Site Visit Summary

My site visits for Family Medicine were similar to my previous site visits. Again, we were required to submit one H&P and 5 drug cards for our mid site evaluation, and two H&Ps, 5 drugs cards, and a summarized journal article for our second evaluation. Like previous site evaluators, our site evaluator gave us leeway when it came to picking our article, so long as it was of the highest level of evidence. Our site visits flowed more like a conversation than a presentation which made it easier for me to talk about my patient and explain my top differential. I appreciate being able to talk freely about the patient’s presentation without reading directly from the H&P. This is something that I found helpful for learning how to present to my preceptor without referencing my notes. I’ve been working on this skill since the beginning of clinical year but this site visit helped me feel more confident in how to report on a patient and focus on the pertinent information. It is definitely a skill I want to implement in my upcoming rotations. Our site evaluator also asked my classmate and I about our drug cards in random order. This was a great way, low-stakes way of reviewing our drugs. Moving forward I want to focus more on understanding the mechanism of action of commonly used classes/drugs so that I can explain how medications work for my patients should they ever ask me. All in all, both evaluations were concise and comprehensive!

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