PPP Plan

My classmate and I began studying for the PANCE this summer during our month-long break. We created an outline based on the 2025 PANCE blueprint and spent every other day doing blocks of 60-90 questions off Uworld. We went over the questions together, making sure to read the explanations for each one and writing down key points to include in our outline.  By the time our summer break was over, we had completed approximately 50% of Uworld. We agreed that we would resume our studying on 11/17 so that we can complete Uworld by the time we have our mandatory board review. My weakest subjects according to my clinical year PACKRAT/EOC were orthopedics/rheumatology and infectious diseases. The lowest score I received on an EOR was for internal medicine, and on that exam, I performed the worst on endocrinology and GI. Internal medicine was my second rotation, and I feel that I have improved in these subjects, but I still want to start my personal studying by reviewing these topics. Since my current rotation is only three days a week, my friend and I can study together one day, and I can use the remaining days to focus on my weak topics and study for my EOR. During those personal days, I plan on only spending my mornings studying so that I don’t burn myself out. My friend and I will continue doing blocks of Uworld, reading PPP, and listening to CTP podcast to complete our outline. Finally, we plan on taking the two NCCPA practice exams and reviewing them together. We will take one exam after our board review, and another when we are closer to the day of our PANCE. Further details on my study plan can be seen below:  

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