Site Visit Summary
Surgery was my fifth rotation for my clinical year. Despite handing in the same material as my other rotations, my evaluations for surgery were unlike any evaluations I’ve had before. For my mid-site evaluation, I was tasked with submitting one H&P and 5 drug cards, as is the norm. Because I was the only student assigned to this evaluator, I figured it would be a quick assessment. I was pleasantly surprised, however, when my site evaluator took the time to go over each part of my H&P and drug cards. She gave me amazing advice on how to strengthen my H&Ps. She went over pertinent points to include in my HPI, and explained the importance of including other information in my H&P such as a separate section for preventative medicine screening. My second H&P (which I have uploaded to this site) is different from my previous uploads: it is my best H&P to date and I have modified my template to reflect the changes that my site evaluator recommended. I took notes of all her recommendations during my mid-site evaluation and applied them for our final site evaluation. For our final site evaluation I submitted two H&Ps, 5 more drugs cards, and my journal article with summary. Again, my site evaluator went over the H&Ps in astounding detail, and provided constructive criticism which I really appreciated. She also gave me the liberty of selecting a journal article of my choosing for us to discuss, and we were able to bounce ideas off of one another for the end of my final site evaluation. Despite being so time consuming, I am genuinely grateful that I was given this level of attention during a site evaluation because I am so much more confident in the H&Ps I submitted later on and I will continue to be confident with future submissions. I hope to continue learning from my site evaluators in the rotations to come.