Site Visit Summary
For my Women’s Health rotation, I had two site evaluations. Like my previous rotations, I had a mid site evaluation and a final site evaluation. Again, I was tasked with submitting three total H&Ps, ten drug cards, and one journal article with summary. Typically, I read my H&Ps off my laptop, occasionally glancing up to make eye contact with my site evaluator. This time, however, I was so excited to talk about my patients that I did not touch my laptop until it was time to discuss my drug cards. Both my mid-site and final site evaluations flowed like regular conversations, and I wound up talking in extensive detail about all three of my patients whereas in the past, I usually only had to present two. My preceptor provided me with valuable feedback on how to refine my differentials which I greatly appreciated. He also emphasized the importance of obtaining a comprehensive history for pregnant patients. He explained that it is essential to document what type of prenatal care these patients received to inquire about postpartum family planning options. It is important that future pregnancies are planned appropriately so providers always ask patients what their contraception plans are once they’ve given birth. I witnessed providers doing this during my time in the GYN clinic but I didn’t consider it for my own patient because I met her when she was already in the latent phase of labor. My preceptor also explained that patient education is imperative, especially for first-time mothers. Educating patients on proper latching techniques for breastfeeding as well as postpartum warning signs and symptoms can help mothers transition more seamlessly into this new role. Overall, this rotation truly helped me polish my clinical skills and I am grateful for the opportunity to have rotated at this location.